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New requirements to travel to Europe
  • 10 March 2025

Check how long you can stay

The Entry/Exit System is currently not in operation.
It is expected to start in October 2025.
The European Union will inform about the specific start date of the EES several months prior to its launch.

You can check the number of days you are still allowed to stay on the territory of European countries using the EES through the EES online tool, which you can find:

  • on this webpage (currently not available)
  • when using the equipment installed at some external borders

When consulting the EES online tool, you will receive information on whether your entry is allowed (‘OK’ or ‘not OK’), as well as information about the number of days that you are still allowed to stay on the territory of the European countries using the EES.

You can also ask the passport control officers at external borders for this information.

Information you need to provide

To find out how long you can stay in a European country that uses the EES, you must provide:

  • The name of the European country using the EES you are currently visiting or wish to visit
  • Your travel document (type and number and the three-letter code of the country that issued it, e.g. ‘CAN’ for Canada).

Additionally, depending on your particular situation:

  • If you wish to travel to a European country using the EES at some point in the future and want to find out how long you would be allowed to stay, you must provide your intended date of arrival in that country; or
  • If you are already in a European country using the EES, you must provide your intended date of departure from that country; or
  • If you wish to travel to a European country using the EES at some point in the future and want to check how many days you will have left to stay once your intended trip is over, you must provide both dates of arrival and departure from that country.


Find out the difference between EES and ETIAS