ETIAS timeline explained - European Union
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New requirements to travel to Europe
  • News article
  • 19 February 2025
  • Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
  • 1 min read

ETIAS timeline explained

ETIAS is currently not in operation and will not start in the first half of 2025. No action is required from travellers at this point. The European Union will inform about the start of ETIAS several months prior to its launch.

ETIAS timeline explained

The rules for visa-free travel to Europe will change for travellers coming from 59 countries and territories. Find out below what the first year of ETIAS will look like in practice.

The launch of ETIAS will take place a few months after the introduction of the Entry Exit System (the EES). The EES will require identity, travel document data and biometric checks for non-EU travellers entering the territory of these European countries for a short stay. Biometric data will not be collected with ETIAS.

Once the new system is in place, nationals of 59 countries and territories who do not need a visa to travel to any of the 30 European countries, will have to apply for an ETIAS travel authorisation before starting their trip. Similar entry requirements for visa-free nationals are currently in place in the United States, Canada and Australia.

Travellers will have to submit their ETIAS applications online using either the official ETIAS website or the official mobile app.

The implementation of the change in the European travel
rules will be gradual

  1. Transitional period: travellers should apply for an ETIAS travel authorisation

The launch of ETIAS will be followed by a transitional period of at least six months. This means that, for travel during this time, travellers should already apply for their ETIAS travel authorisation, but those without one will not be refused entry as long as they fulfil all remaining entry conditions.

  1. Grace period: travellers must have an ETIAS travel authorisation

During this period travellers must have an ETIAS travel authorisation to enter the 30 European countries.

There is an exception: only those coming to Europe for the first time since the end of the transitional period will be allowed to enter without an ETIAS provided they fulfil all remaining entry conditions. All other travellers will be refused entry if they do not hold an ETIAS travel authorisation.

The grace period will last at least six months.

There is only one official ETIAS website:


Publication date
19 February 2025
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs